Saturday, April 9, 2011

In the beginning.

The film medium embodies subjective realism and manifests moments in time.The best filmmakers capture these moments, transforming them into timeless art. Throughout my undergraduate education I realized I was much more interested in the human story on a personal level rather than an academic level. Humans, like their stories, are infinitely complex, unpredictable, and contradictory. This became clear to me during an “Approaches to Literature” class. I was encouraged, while reading Money by Martin Amis to take an introspective approach to everything. By listening and dissecting what people had to say, I discovered a desire to visually tell human stories. Looking at life 24 frames a second I developed a passion for directing and cinematography. Because Miami is not saturated with filmmakers, I was allowed to explore my own expressions without heavy external influence. Being self-taught I have encountered misjudgments and errors, but also triumphs. My philosophy of film is best expressed by Cassavetes “the most difficult thing in the world is to reveal express what you have must dare to fail, you must have the courage to be bad- to be willing to risk everything to really express it all.” I have the opportunity to reveal myself, express it all, and am willing to fail in order to succeed. Welcome...

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